FEMICOM: female roles in communication
FEMICOM, Analysis of Female’s Roles in Communication Research, is an initiative to investigate and disseminate the presences and absences that women have had in this field of study.

FEMICOM: female roles in communication
FEMICOM, Analysis of Female’s Roles in Communication Research, is an initiative to investigate and disseminate the presences and absences that women have had in this field of study.

Researchers in communication
FEMICOM is launched from the Communication Department (College of Communication and Documentation) at Universidad de Murcia thanks to the “Feminizing communication sciences: memories and contributions of female researchers” project, produced with the support of a 2019 Leonardo Grant for Researchers and Cultural Creators, BBVA Foundation. We continue working on this through the I+D+i project (PID2021-123143NB-I00) “FEMICOMI: Analyzing female roles in communication research in Iberoamerica” funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation (Spanish Government).
In order to analyze the construction of the field of communication from a gender perspective, firstly we carried out a historiographic review of the most prominent theorists of the first generation (1930s-60s).
This first phase of the project gave way to the exploration of the subjectivities and experiences of academics of the second generation (1960s-90s) by conducting in-depth interviews with women professors who have led the field internationally from France, the United Kingdom, Canada, the United States, Australia and Brazil. Besides, we are now working on analyzing these tendencies within Ibero-American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Spain, Portugal, and Mexico).
In addition to the traditional dissemination of results, we have produced a series of mini-documentaries in order to disseminate the role of women in science. Starting from these approaches, we continue working on this area with the analysis of women’s roles, presences and absences in different geographical and academic environments.
Key issues
Gender and science
Gender has been and is a constitutive force in the construction of science.
Matilda effect
Women's voices and contributions have tended to be erased and/or invisibilized in communication research.
Importance of subjectivity
Researchers' experiences are relevant and a key source of knowledge for science.