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Meet the people who are part of FEMICOM
We are a group of researchers interested in the epistemology of science and meta-research in communication, with special attention to gender, as this has been an articulating and constituent element of science.
In this way we respond to how and why communication sciences have been formed, as well as the main trends, leaderships, presences and absences of hegemonic and minority subjects and objects.
Leonarda García-Jiménez
Leonarda García-Jiménez, Ph.D. in Communication, is an Associate Professor at the University of Murcia and an Affiliate Faculty at the University of Colorado Boulder and Colorado State University. She has also been a visiting professor and researcher at other Spanish, Colombian, Mexican, and Swiss universities. For almost two decades she has worked in the field of communication theories, identity & culture, areas in which she has published more than fifty papers, books and book chapters. Principal investigator of the European research project CRICORM, she has participated in three other R+D+I of the Spanish Government and received the prestigious 2019 Leonardo Grant from the BBVA Foundation with the proposal "Feminizing communication sciences: memory and contributions of women researchers".
Juan-José Sánchez-Soriano
Juan Jose Sanchez-Soriano is assistant professor at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid). He holds a PhD from the University of Murcia, College of Communication. He has published several high-impact scientific outcomes (journals, international conferences and book chapters). He has also been Visiting Researcher at University Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona), University of Hull (UK) and University of Southern California (USA). His research interests include cinematography, serial fiction, cultural studies and audiences reception from a the LGTB + studies perspective.
Esperanza Herrero
Esperanza Herrero holds a Ph.D. in Communication from the University of Murcia (2024), where she formerly was a FPU Fellow of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (reference FPU19/04680). She is an associate editor of the journal History of Media Studies. She was a 2023 Fulbright visiting scholar at Columbia University (New York, USA), and has also been visiting researcher at University Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona, Spain) and University Carlos III of Madrid (Madrid, Spain). She has several scientific publications, as well as participations in international conferences. Her research interests include communication theory, history of communication studies, gender studies, and feminist epistemologies.
Rebeca Escribano
Rebeca Escribano is instructor and Ph.D. student at the College of Communication and Documentation at Universidad de Murcia and journalist specialized in scientific and technological contents. She has several scientific publications and participations in international conferences. Her research lines are focused on epistemology and philosophy of science, scientific dissemination, media communication and theories of communication.
Miquel Rodrigo-Alsina
Miquel Rodrigo-Alsina is Professor of Communication Theories at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona). He has also given courses and lectures at various Spanish and foreign universities. He has been a researcher at the Research Center for Language and Semiotic Studies (Indiana University), the Center for the Study of Communication and Culture (Saint Louis University), the Centre d'Études sur l'Actuel et le Quotidien (Université René Descartes, Paris V) and the Center for Social Media Research (University of Westminster). He has published more than 180 articles in books and national and international journals, and a dozen monographs.
María Angulo Egea
María Angulo Egea, PhD in Journalism from the University of Málaga and PhD in Philosophy and Letters (Philology) from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. She is Professor of Journalism at the University of Zaragoza (Spain). She has worked in several Spanish and American universities. Her interests focus mainly on narrative journalism, investigative journalism and the Latin American chronicle, as well as the relationship between the press and Spanish society in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. She currently researches and publishes articles on "crisis narratives" and on the analysis of feminist discourses in the field of narrative journalism. She has worked on the narratives and interventions of women writers and journalists in the media and in networks. For the last few years she has been involved in research and dissemination of the situation of the rural world from a gender perspective thanks to the Platform for Communication and Knowledge Transfer @Ellassoncampo, which she runs together with María Luz Hernández Navarro. She has collaborated in magazines such as "Jot Down", "Altäir Magazine", Infobae; and in the Periódico de Aragón and for 9 years she has co-directed the cultural and narrative journalism magazine Zero Grados.
Maribel Olmos
Maribel Olmos is a Ph.D. student at the College of Communication and Documentation at Universidad de Murcia. She has over ten years of experience as a professional on media.
Her research interests include gender studies, serial fiction as well as cultural studies.
José Antonio Gómez Hernández
José Antonio Gómez Hernández is Professor of Information Science and Doctor of Philosophy with Extraordinary Award. His teaching activity is focused on training professionals in the management of documentary and cultural institutions committed to guaranteeing the right of access to information. His research activity has focused on library management models, citizen digital competence, the study of information needs, and social and digital inclusion. Currently, he is part of the UMU transfer group "Socio-historical and citizen education in the educational system and in the public space" carrying out a digital training project for migrant women called "Más que Emplea" granted by the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration financed by EU funds - Next Generation. He has five six-year research periods and six five-year teaching periods.
Marta Prego Nieto
Marta Prego Nieto is a PhD student in the Faculty of Communication and Documentation at the University of Murcia. Her lines of research focus on Gender Studies and the development of the critical-feminist theoretical framework in the field of Communication. She has conducted research on feminist activism, the image of women or epistemological situations in Communication. She has published in high impact journals and has participated in several national and international conferences.
Conoce a las personas que colaboran con FEMICOM
Filipa Subtil
Filipa Subtil is a professor at the Escola Superior de Comunicação Social of the Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa (Portugal) and a researcher at ICNOVA. She holds a PhD in Social Sciences from the University of Lisbon and has received research grants from PROTEC, Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian and the International Council for Canadian Studies (ICCS). Filipa has been visiting scholar at the University of Navarra (Spain), Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University (Poland), University of Iowa (USA), Muhlenberg College (USA). She has published articles and book chapters in the area of sociology of communication, social theory of media and on issues that bring together media and gender studies.
Jesús Arroyave
Jesús Arroyave is Professor of the Department of Communication and Journalism at Universidad del Norte. He holds a PhD in Communication from the University of Miami and a Master's degree in Communication and Information Studies from Rutgers University, USA. He also holds a Master's degree in Education from Universidad Javeriana. His professional interests focus on journalism and media studies, research and knowledge production in communication in Latin America, and communication for development and social change. He is author and co-author of 4 books and several journal articles (35) and book chapters (25). His research has been published in journals such as Journalism, Journalism Studies, International Journal of Communication, Feminist Media Studies, Palabra Clave, Chasqui, Revista Diálogos and Signo y Pensamiento. He has been a visiting professor and researcher in Spain, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States. He was awarded the Georg Forster Fellowship for Experienced Researchers of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and did his postdoctoral stay at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich, Germany. He is currently Tinker Visiting Professor at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA.
Peter Simonson
Peter Simonson is Professor Emeritus at the University of Colorado Boulder (USA) and affiliate faculty at Universidad de Murcia. He has published widely on the intellectual history of communication, the international history of the field of communication studies, and the theory and philosophy of communication and rhetoric. He is founding co-editor of the journal History of Media Studies, and has given invited lectures or seminars in Spain, Germany, Denmark, New Zealand, and Canada as well as the United States. Simonson has been doing research on the history of women in the field of communication studies since 2005.
Mariano Zarowsky
Mariano Zarowsky (Buenos Aires, 1977) holds a PhD in Social Sciences from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) and is a researcher at the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) based at the Gino Germani Research Institute (UBA). He teaches at the Faculty of Social Sciences (UBA) and at the School of Humanities of the National University of San Martín (UNSAM). He is the author of the books Allende en la Argentina. Intelectuales, prensa y edición entre lo local y lo global (1970-1976) (2023), Los estudios en comunicación en la Argentina. Ideas, intelectuales, tradiciones políticos culturales, 1956-1985 (2017) and Del laboratorio chileno a la comunicación-mundo. Un itinerario intelectual de Armand Mattelart (2013).
Daniela Lazcano-Peña
Daniela Lazcano-Peña holds a PhD in Social Communication from Pompeu Fabra University. She obtained a master's degree in Social Communication from the University of Chile and a degree in Journalism at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (Chile). As an academic at the School of Journalism of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (PUCV), she is the Director of the CUVIC project-Colectivo Universitario de Vinculación y Comunicación Ciudadana, an initiative that aims to articulate university-local community, through volunteer and cooperative relationships that support the communication and journalistic management of civil society organizations and the school community. Her areas of interest are research and teaching of journalism and communication, and the role of journalism and communication for territorial social organizations. She is an adjunct researcher at the Millennium Nucleus for the Study of Politics, Public Opinion and Media in Chile (MEPOP).
Rafiza Varão
Tenured Professor of the Department of Journalism at the Communication College (University of Brasília). Permanent professor of the Postgraduate Program in Communication (PPGCOM-FAC) at the same institution. Coordinator of the “Power and Communication Processes” research area at PPGCOM-FAC. PhD in Communication Theory and Technologies (University of Brasília/2012). She coordinates the SOS Imprensa project and was the editorial coordinator at FAC Livros (2018-2021). She is a columnist for Portal Imprensa and was the coordinator of the National Network of Press Observatories (RENOI) (2021-2022). Vice-president of the National Association of Journalism Researchers (SBPJor) (2023-2025). Director of National Relations at Socicom (2022-2024). She was a member of the Scientific Council of SPBJor (2022-2023). She is a member of the editorial board of Esferas magazine.
She works especially with Communication Theories, Ethics, and Writing. Her most recent publications include: "We, the Narodniks: Russian populism, political propaganda, and the press in the 19th century" (2023), "A first glance at the work of Dorothy Blumenstock Jones" (2023). and Harold Lasswell and the field of communication (2021)
She works especially with Communication Theories, Ethics, and Writing. Her most recent publications include: "We, the Narodniks: Russian populism, political propaganda, and the press in the 19th century" (2023), "A first glance at the work of Dorothy Blumenstock Jones" (2023). and Harold Lasswell and the field of communication (2021)
Susana Martínez Guillem
Susana Martínez Guillem is a tenured professor in the Department of Communication at the University of New Mexico, USA. Her research moves between critical discourse studies and cultural studies, with special attention to the ideological dimensions of institutional, media, and everyday practices in relation to phenomena such as migration, social movements, or multilingualism.
Marta Rizo
Marta Rizo holds a BA, MA and PhD in Communication from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain) and a Diploma in Research Techniques in Society, Culture and Communication from the National Institute of Anthropology and History (Mexico). Since 2003 she has been a tenured research professor at the Academy of Communication and Culture of the Autonomous University of Mexico City (Mexico), and since 2020 she has been a collaborating professor for the Master's Degree in Communication Innovation for Organizations at the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí (Mexico) and for the Degree in Communication and the Master's Degree in Journalism and Digital Communication at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Spain). Author of 19 books, more than 100 articles in academic journals and more than 60 book chapters. She is a member of the National System of Researchers (Level II) of the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT, Mexico) and of the Editorial Board of more than 20 academic journals. Her research interests are: intercultural communication; interpersonal and intersubjective communication; communication, body and gender.