Burgoon, Judee K.
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Professor at the University of Arizona, Judee K. Burgoon (U.S., 1948) is the most productive author of the 20th century in the field of communication.
Throughout her career, she has published 13 books and more than 300 papers and book chapters, becoming one of the most cited and published authors in the discipline. She has developed some of the most relevant theories on interpersonal communication, such as Interpersonal Adaptation Theory (IAT), Expectancy Violations Theory (EVT) and Interpersonal Deception Theory (IDT). These theories address issues such as credibility, deception, interactional determinants or adaptation to others’ expectations, and they do so through the lens of socio-psychological and post-positivist paradigms.
Judee K. Burgoon has been rewarded with some of the most important recognitions in the field of communication. She is a Fellow of the International Communication Association (ICA), and has received ICA’s Chaffee Career Productivity Award, as well as B. Aubrey Fisher Mentorship Award. She is a recognized member of other associations, such as National Communication Association (NCA), which recognized her contribution to the discipline with a Mark Knapp Award and a Woolbert Research Award.
Selected publications:
- Burgoon, J. (1978). A communication model of personal space violations: Explication and an initial test. Human Communication Research, 4(2), 129-142. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-2958.1978.tb00603.x
- Burgoon, J. & Hale, J. (1988). Nonverbal expectancy violations: Model elaboration and application to immediacy behaviors. Communication Monographs, 55(1), 58-79.
- Burgoon, J., Buller, D. & Gill Woodall, W. (1996). Nonverbal communication: The unspoken dialogue. McGraw Hill.
- Burgoon, J., Guerrero, L. & Floyd, K. (2010). Nonverbal Communication. Pearson.
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