Fox, Elizabeth
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Elizabeth Fox (United States, 1947) is a social communication researcher who developed her doctorate at the American University (United States), and whose production focused primarily on the analysis of the structure of the media and National Communication Policies (NCP) in Latin America since her arrival in Colombia in the 1960s. Doctor Honoris Causa by the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, she was president of the Latin American Association of Communication Researchers (ALAIC) between 1980 and 1984 and vice-president, between 1996 and 2000, of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR).
Her main contributions to the field of communication are related to the structure of mass media, national and regional communication policies in Latin America and the relationship between communication and democracy. He also delved into the so-called ‘grassroots communication’, that popular and collective communication focused on change.
His academic career began in Colombia, with Luis Ramiro Beltrán as representative for Latin America of the Information Sciences Division of the International Development Research Centre, a Canadian institution dedicated to academic and scientific knowledge by supporting researchers.
Elizabeth Fox intellectual work is marked by the places where she developed her activity: born in New York, she lived in Bogotá between 1968 and 1980, where she focused on critically analysing the influence and cultural domination that the United States exerted on Latin American media systems. In Buenos Aires, from 1980 to 1984, she developed a more reflexive work on the functioning of PNCs and a critical meta-research of research.
In Paris, between 1984 and 1990, she applied her research more directly as a consultant for various foundations and organisations, such as the Volkswagen Foundation (1987-1988) and for the World Bank (1988). Between 1990 and 1991 she held the UNESCO Chair in Communication at the University of Barcelona. She currently lives in Washington DC.
Her multifaceted nature led her to embark on studies related to public health and communication, linking her to the field of communication and health where she has worked for the last 35 years. Currently, Elizabeth Fox collaborates with the Pan American Development Foundation, an institution that supports social and community development in Latin America.
In addition to her academic achievements, Elizabeth Fox is known for her passion and dedication to communication as a tool for social change. Her life in Latin America not only shaped her career, but also her personal commitment to social justice and equity. She has inspired countless students and professionals to see communication as a powerful tool for building more just and democratic societies.
Selected publications:
Fox, E. (1975). Políticas nacionales de comunicación en América Latina. En Ordoñez, M.; Fox, E. y Ortiz Brennan, B. Políticas de comunicación en sociedades de cambio. Cuadernos CEDAL.
Beltrán, L. y Fox, E. (1980). Comunicación dominada. Estados Unidos en los medios de América Latina. Instituto Latinoamericano de Estudios Transnacionales
Fox, E. (1982). Comunicación y sociedad civil. Una temática incipiente. Crítica & Utopía, 7. https://bibliotecavirtual.clacso.org.ar/ar/libros/critica/nro7/fox.pdf
Fox, E. (1983). Perplejidades compartidas sobre la comunicación democrática. Crítica & Utopía, 9. https://bibliotecavirtual.clacso.org.ar/ar/libros/critica/nro9/FOX.pdf
Fox, E. (1988). Media and politics in Latin America: The struggle for democracy. Sage.
Fox, E. (1989). Medios de comunicación y política en América Latina. Gustavo Gili.
Fox, E. (1993). Tres visitas al paradigma de la dependencia cultural. Chasqui, 44, 80-87. http://hdl.handle.net/10469/14210
Fox, E. (1997). Latin American broadcasting. From tango to telenovela. University Luton Press.
Fox, E. y Waisbord, S. (2002) (eds.). Latin politics, global media. University of Texas Press.
Bibliography cited
Heram, Y. y Gándara, S. (2024). Mantener vivo un pensamiento crítico: Entrevista a Elizabeth Fox. Comunicación, 50, 140-151. Recuperado de https://dialnet.unirioja.es/descarga/articulo/9281300.pdf
Heram, Y. y Gándara, S. (2021). Pioneras en los estudios latinoamericanos de comunicación. Teseo Press. Recuperado de
Profile written with the collaboration of Ana Cobo.
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